Project Delivery

Agile, transparent, and collaborative project delivery means you know what to expect at every stage

At GCC, we have developed a unique project delivery process which uses a variety of methodologies with proven success for SMEs. The process leverages Microsoft Sure Step to combine structure with agility.

Lack of communication between teams, unrealistic expectations and overly ambitious goals are the most detrimental factors contributing to project delays. Structured processes are key to overcoming project mismanagement. But no business likes to be drowned in administrative paperwork.

GCC like transparency, so we let our customers know the fixed price upfront. This is rather than providing an estimate based on materials and delivery schedule, which can often see costs exceed expectations.

During a project you will have access to the GCC project portal, where you can see the plan of delivery, discussions, and files. You can at any point send messages to the project team and raise change requests in the portal.

Contact us today to see how we can manage your IT projects.

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GCC established processes

GCC established processes

As part of the Project Delivery Process, GCC offer the following:

  • Perform a project scope
    This lets us know what you need so we can set expectations.
  • Outline the project
    We show you exactly what you are getting as part of your project.
  • Pricing
    We set a fixed price, so you know exactly how much you’re going to pay.

You still have the option to add more elements to the project at any stage, and GCC will give you an updated fixed-price cost for this.

Knowing exactly what you are getting and for how much at every stage of your project delivery helps us to manage your money and your delivery schedule.

Reduce the risk - 'base packs'

Reduce the risk – ‘base packs’

GCC has developed ‘base packs’ which enables us to offer a tried-and-tested low-risk deployment plan for a smaller budget.

A base pack gives you a starting point for your system that can be built upon in phases 2,3,4 etc, as you develop into your system and as new features are released.

With GCC, you can be assured that you will always get the guaranteed delivery of a minimum value product, mitigating the risk of having an overly ambitious project fall flat.

As part of the planning, we will also identify any risks associated with the project, setting out ways to mitigate them – whilst continuing this risk management throughout the project.

Delivery time

Delivery time

Once the initial scoping is completed, GCC progress to delivering your project using an agile approach.

This means GCC are continuously reviewing and adjusting your project as required, so you have total oversight of progress at any given time, and the flexibility to make your own modifications.

Not only is this a more collaborative approach, but it also reduces the risk of receiving a final project which isn’t fully aligned with your expectations.

This process ensures you maximise the value you get out of the project delivery process.

Case studies

Find out for yourself how GCC have successfully managed projects for a wide range of customers.

Medical Supermarket

GCC worked with Medical Supermarket scoping their system requirements – delivering a tailored implementation project.

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Salisbury Cathedral

GCC worked with Salisbury Cathedral carrying out a strategic IT review – staging each step of the implementation.

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Beta Marine

GCC worked with Beta Marine – with full visibility of the project at every stage.

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Insight Gloucestershire

GCC personalised the project for Insight Gloucestershire so it worked for their needs – and translated in a non-IT way.

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Services – Professional Services

Professional Services can help ensure your product selection or IT roadmap makes most sense for your business.

GCC has the expertise and experience to guide you through your project.


Consultancy & Audit

GCC consultancy & auditing can improve your business, by identifying how & which technology you could be using.

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Design and Proof of Concept

A full design and proof of concept service ensures your IT implementation will be a success.

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Project Delivery

Collaborative project delivery means you know what to expect at every stage.

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Training provides your team with the support they need on any platform.

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